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The place for health professionals interested in High-FLow Therapy
Paulo Venancio
7 jul 20183 Min. de lectura
Does High Flow Oxygen therapy play a roll inside as well as outside "the ICUs box" in Bronchiolitis?
Bronchiolitis is the most common reason worldwide for nonelective hospital admission in infants. In the USA, it’s responsible for $1.7...
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Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
3 jul 20183 Min. de lectura
Does high flow therapy play a role in lung transplantation?
High flow nasal cannula therapy (HFNC) may be useful in patients who undergo lung transplantation. There is some isolated experience of...
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Javier Pozas
3 jul 20183 Min. de lectura
High Flow Oxygen vs Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure for dyspnea in patients with advanced cancer.
One of the problems that we face in daily clinical practice is the palliative treatment of dyspnea in cancer patients. Classically,...
69 visualizaciones1 comentario
Noe Escalier
2 jul 20183 Min. de lectura
La Ciudad de Buenos Aires incorpora la terapia de alto flujo en las unidades de pediatrÃa.
Las infecciones respiratorias agudas bajas (IRAB) representan una gran demanda para el sistema de salud en Argentina, aproximadamente...
83 visualizaciones1 comentario
Viviana Guzman
2 jul 20182 Min. de lectura
Sedation in pediatrics and high-flow therapy
The application of high-flow nasal cannula therapy (TAFCN) in children has grown exponentially in recent years, especially in premature...
178 visualizaciones2 comentarios
Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
23 jun 20182 Min. de lectura
Consensus on noninvasive mechanical ventilation/High flow therapy
Sesión plenaria de consenso en ventilación/Alto flujo de SEPAR junto con la Sociedad de Cuidados Intensivos, Sociedad de Emergencias,...
73 visualizaciones1 comentario
Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
17 jun 20182 Min. de lectura
The latest update of Global Initiative for COPD do mention High-Flow Therapy for the first time.
In the latest GOLD update, high-flow therapy is mentioned for the first time in the chapter of COPD exacerbations. Although it does so in...
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Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
5 jun 20182 Min. de lectura
Use of high-flow nasal cannula in obese patients receiving colonoscopy under sedation
Intravenous sedation during colonoscopy has become the standard practice in the United States given its higher patient satisfaction and...
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Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
25 may 20181 Min. de lectura
Is there a rol for high-flow therapy in interstitial lung diseases?
No studies have yet assessed the effectiveness of high-flow therapy in patients with acute respiratory failure in interstitial lung...
64 visualizaciones1 comentario
MarÃa Inés Mattioli
24 may 20182 Min. de lectura
Role of high-flow nasal cannula therapy in the respiratory distress: is it time to change the strate
Respiratory distress is a complex clinical entity that requires personnel trained to detect and treat it. Commonly, it is managed with...
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Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
23 may 20183 Min. de lectura
Lower temperature and higher flows improve patient´s comfort.
The high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) delivers up to 60 l/min of humidified air/oxygen blend at a temperature close to that of the human...
24 visualizaciones2 comentarios
Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
23 may 20182 Min. de lectura
Efficacy and safety of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in patients with acute heart failure
Objectives. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy in patients in acute respiratory failure...
19 visualizaciones0 comentarios
Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
21 may 20182 Min. de lectura
The most important risk of High-flow nasal cannula is its potential for delayed intubation.
The main concern that has arisen regarding the high-flow nasal cannula has been that overuse of this modality may lead to unnecessary and...
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Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
19 may 20181 Min. de lectura
High flow nasal oxygen therapy utilization: a 7-year experience at a community teaching hospital.
A study has been recently published showing the experience in high-flow utilization in a community teaching hospital, during a period of...
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Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
13 may 20181 Min. de lectura
High-Flow at home in COPD patients: Evidence is coming
Storgaard et al have just published this research paper in which they show that patients with COPD treated with high flow during one year...
51 visualizaciones0 comentarios
Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
5 may 20182 Min. de lectura
High Flow Nasal Cannula: what are its benefits?
One of the attractions of high flow therapy by nasal cannula is the broad spectrum of action on the pathophysiology of respiratory...
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Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
3 may 20181 Min. de lectura
Terapia de Alto-Flujo por Cánula Nasal, pero ¿qué flujo hay que utlizar?
La mayorÃa de autores se han referido a la manera en la que iniciamos la terapia de alto flujo en nuestros pacientes. Se ha descrito que...
113 visualizaciones0 comentarios
Dr. Salvador DÃaz Lobato
24 abr 20182 Min. de lectura
Semejanzas históricas entre el alto flujo y la ventilación mecánica no invasiva
La evidencia va detrás de la experiencia La historia del alto flujo recuerda a la historia de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva. Ambas...
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