The place for health professionals interested in High-FLow Therapy
Founder Members
Dr Salvador Díaz Lobato,
Madrid (Spain)
Dra Noelia Escalier,
Buenos Aires (Argentine)
Dra María Inés Mattioli,
Intensive Care
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Dr Paulo Venancio
Lisboa (Portugal)
a bit about us:
El Grupo Multidisciplinar Español de Expertos en Terapias Respiratorias no Invasivas publica las
Recomendaciones para el uso de Ventilación Mecánica no Invasiva, Sistemas de CPAP no Mecánicos y Terapia de Alto Flujo en Pacientes con Infección Respiratoria por COVID-19
Documento principal
Presentación ppt
Dr Carratalá Perales
Emergency Unit
Alicante (Spain)
Dr Alonso Íñigo
Valencia (Spain)
International High-Flow Network has been created with the aim of promoting knowledge, training and dissemination of high-flow therapy among professionals who treat patients with respiratory failure regardless of their origin. IHFN also encourage the realization of studies in this discipline and develop activities with patients, which aim to improve their quality of life and social reintegration. If you are interested in or treat patients who can benefit from this therapy, IHFN will keep you up to date with the latest advances in high-flow therapy that occur worldwide. We are very happy that professionals like you care that their patients receive the best possible treatment for their health problem and our desire is to help you achieve it.
High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy has revolutionized the management of patients with respiratory failure of very diverse origin. It is necessary to have reliable and quality information, be updated on the latest advances in this therapy and keep up to date with the latest research that is being developed. The International High-Flow Network has born with this mission.