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Foto del escritorDr. Salvador Díaz Lobato

Only a week before the start of the 1st International Course on Intermediate Respiratory Care Units

On January 19 and 20, 2022, will take place the 1st International Course on Intermediate Respiratory Care Units #IRCU22, that will be developed in a virtual format.

This meeting has been promoted by an enthusiastic group of health professionals dedicated to the management of patients with acute respiratory failure, aware of the need to create an international forum on intermediate respiratory care units (

The relevance of the intermediate respiratory care units has been boosted by the COVID pandemic, but IRCU is related to something more than pulmonary COVID complications. It is true that many patients suffering from acute respiratory failure, both hypoxemic and hypercapnic, can be managed in units of lower complexity than intensive care units if monitoring and cares requirements are met. But this is not the rule around the world. The solutions developed for the treatment of these kind of patients show a great variability between countries and even within each country. High flow therapy expansion has also contributed to enhance the value intermediate respiratory care units.

This meeting aims to be a framework for the presentation of the different international experiences in the management of patients with acute respiratory failure, a forum for the discussion of strategies to improve the care of our patients, the ideal scenery to discuss protocols and a driving force for the development of worldwide high quality IRCU.

This event has been endorsed by numerous scientific societies, including pulmonary, intensive care, Kinesiology, anesthesiology, rehabilitation and emergency medicine societies.

The first day will be dedicated to intermediate respiratory care units and COVID. Distinguished and recognized professors will share with us their experiences and knowledge, and we will have the opportunity to ask them and discuss our own experiences. The main presentations will talk about the evidence for non-invasive support in ARDS due to COVID (Stefano Nava), the utility of Rox index in high flow therapy (Jean Damien Ricard), the role of prone vs supportive and non-invasive support (Claude Guerin), the personalization of ventilatory support (speech from Federico Gordo who will say goodbye to the Berlin Wall) or the role of P-SILI and COVID monitoring as a criteria for orotracheal intubation (Oriol Roca).

Related to intermediate respiratory care units organization, we will have the opportunity to see how the pandemic has affected the IRCU (Guillermo Montiel), the experience of “Doctors without Borders” (Amin Lamrous), the cost-effectiviness of IRCU (Ignacio Previgliano) and, before the conclusions of day 1 (Leslie Vargas), Nav Kur will talk about myths and realities in psichyatry during the pandemic.

The following day will be focused in non-COVID patients. We will learn a little more about the role of intermediate respiratory care units in postoperative patients (José Miguel Alonso), neuromuscular patients (Fabrizio Rao), hypoxemic and hypercapnic acute respiratory failure (Bushra Mina and Jean Damien Ricard), the indications and evidence for non-invasive post-extubation support, the complex weaning (Fernando Suárez Sipmann), trends in remote monitoring of on-invasive ventilators ((Faheem Ahmed Khan) or the importance of ultrasound in the unis (Borja de la Quintana). We will have the opportunity to learn about instrumental bronchial drainage techniques in hypersecretory patients (Fernando Wang), the use of CPAP in ARF (Nicolás Colaiani), innovation and evidence in nursing care (Ignacio Latorre) and the digital transformation in nursing (Manuel Revuelta). At the end of the journey, the conclusions and feelings from the 1stInternational Course of Intermediate Respiratory Care Units #IRCU22 will be summarized by myself, a real privilege!!

At the moment of writing these lines, there are more than 6000 registered participants, simply incredible. This is sign of the importance and need of this meeting. On behalf of International High Flow Therapy Network I would like to congratulate all the colleagues who have participated in some instance in the organization of the event, members of the organizing committee, scientific committee and honorary committee, as well as to all the scientific societies that have believed in and endorsed it. Finally, but not less important, I would like to thanks to the sponsors Músicos por la Salud, Ideagoras, Vygon and OXIMESA Nippon Gases, whose help has been fundamental to the development of the 1st International Course on Intermediate Respiratory Care Units.

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